Jackson’s jiggers, also known as Tunga penetrans, is a type of parasitic infestation caused by tiny fleas. These fleas burrow into the skin, typically on the feet or hands, causing painful swelling and lesions. The female flea embeds itself in the skin to lay eggs, which leads to the formation of a visible, raised lesion. The condition is common in tropical and subtropical regions, especially in areas where people walk barefoot.

The process of removing Jackson’s jiggers typically involves carefully extracting the flea, which can be quite uncomfortable and requires medical attention. A healthcare provider usually uses sterilized tools to avoid infection and remove the parasite. If untreated, the infestation can cause secondary infections and long-term complications.

If you’re seeking videos or images showing the extraction of jiggers, it’s best to look for educational or medical content, as these procedures are delicate and should be performed with care to avoid additional harm or infection.

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